Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 1:48 AM
Darren called and ask for a last minute BBQ during the evening. Meet xueli at Sk and off we go. Pissed of course, because we went to the wrong Pasir Ris park to be precise is Town park and we supposed to go Pasir Ris Park. Right, so we hailed a taxi and off we go again. With the aid of taxi, of course reach there safe and sound without losting our way again. Well, reached there only saw Carmen, Shelly and others guys. Not that crowded actually. Haha, but still pretty alright. The guys hospitalise us by serving us food, lol. We don't need to bbq ourselves. So sweet of them.Then, Shelly is pretty funny la because we went playground and here we goes the craps. Right, later evening Lynn and Qr joined. The boisterous girls. Well, I guessed we leave the pit pretty early and we went playground play together with the guys. They are hilarious of course when they twirled the circled wheel. Mk so gay lah! On the other hand, today is another boring weekend. I'm so absolutely broke and penniless, guess its time to be frugal. I really loathe studying on weekend because my account exam is drawing near. This is shit! Holidays ending soon. Indeed, it fast.
Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 12:41 AM

fortune cookies. lol.

2nd attempt. o well..

>< screwed.

& jy's oven.
Fatigueness of cleaning my kitchen today, tedious. Today afternoon I,me yes alone went to get a list of ingredients and equipments. Dragging my tired feet and stuffs and was especially heavy, without any help I've ought to carry things myself home! Hands was utterly aching.
Because, an abruptly thought just flash and made me felt like doing some baking since I'm so excited over it everyday ever since the day I've bought my oven! Today, I'm making butter poundcake. Spend my entire afternoon time doing the mixtures, cleaning and baking. However, 1st attempt don't always turn out to be perfect and worse of all the mixture cannot set. To be precise, my cake is a total failure. Unsuccess baking. I cried for help, no one hear me. =[
Very depriving though. Anyway, after dinner when everyone was out again. I tried 2nd attempt. lol. Finally lah! My poundcake set leh! Butter smell gushing over! Is like exuberant okay! First time using my own pair of hands without anybody helping okay and I make my first Jy's cake! lol! But, still need improving lah because add too much milk however still taste nice lor! Yl today also make cookies, we exchanged. haha. But hers like those cny's cookies. ._.
hehe, but my family said my cake not bad. HAHAHAHA!
I'm just so into baking right now but sian exam is coming soon. My last paper for mdis. =[
So lazy to studyyyyyy!
Yup, gotta crash. Nights.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 10:13 PM
I've finally bought an oven of my own! Avid for an oven over a couple of weeks so today I've bought it! I'm really enraptured right now, jumping with delight! HAHAHA! Early in the rainy and wet afternoon, went Vivo.C with yenleng. Supposingly she was to repair her Canon digi-cam however repair price is way to extravagant and I would rather she go and buy one new cam so she abort the idea of repairing it. We had a sinful lunch cum dinner; Sakae Buffet. It'd been ages since I've one so we decided to have it as lunch cum dinner. Stupid shit, we ate so little! Alright, shopping around habourfront and Vivo.C. Finally bought something to scare my sis! I'm sooooooooo elated! I guess I'm one of those sassy-sister whereby everyday thinking of multiples attempts to scare people especially my sister! HAHAHAHA! I can't imagine the way she scream and cried for help! lol. Arghhhh! I'm so excited to-da-MAXI! ( learnt from yl. Aha )Shopping at Vivo.C is sort of boring, so make our way down to PS. Yl was telling me, why not get our lovely oven by today because I was thinking maybe this Friday but since today we was free so why not? Went Best.Denki, erm the Kenwood Cake.Mixter ran outta stock. Fuck'man! Seriously peeved by the moment we learnt that! Yl was whining it too! We just want to get a perfect set for baking but the stupid cake.mixer spoilt that! Everywhere, even Carrefoure ran outta stock! Guess it really pretty popular. ( But no doubt on it, I used it and it works pretty well moreover easy for cleaning. ) Right, the macho-girls like us carried our big and bulky ovens home without any doubt! But with the aid of Taxis! Anyway, I guess I needa recaps those baking techniques and stuffs-alike by borrowing books from the library! Save money from getting recipe-books, I'm sucha frugal person. aha. And I'd like to add on, that I'm using my own salary to buy my own oven so I'm so happy! Getting things which using my own money is nevertheless happy than using ure dad's. But, I'm absolutely broke. I will never let people use my oven! That's mineeee! HAHA! I'm so protective over it because my own money! lol. Today,Tuesday happy day with yenleng. She bought her oven too. We are happy people! =]
@ 12:56 AM
Happy Birthday to Flabby Ang! Today had an early celebration for Flabby at J8 with other girls (S.Rs) as well. We had Cafe Cartel for dinner, food sucked so does the restaurant with air-con partially break down.
Slacked at some playground, chit chatting with gossips. Home sweet home. Anyway, is fun because today we marked our day with the Sugar's classic-
Earlier had an appointment in NSC, mom accompanied me to see doctor for my skin infections.
Part of it had healed just left scars but still not completely, Jtang said I must fully recovered before my birthday ( I find it very sweet. ) So I must jiayou lor!
Received my latest blood test result too, wow so surprising that I've been diagnosed
thalassemia.Some sort of hereditary anaemia. No symptoms shown, not much affected just that maybe next time if I wanted to bear children I need to do some checkups of genes and things like that. To be frank, I'm very apprehensive and paranoid of receiving fact if I really can't bear a kid.
Doctor was telling, so you must really find someone truly love you and do checkups with you and see whether both your genes matches and stuffs like that. How scary if I'd really can't bear one offspring. J'christ!
Alright, apart from that went to xueli's house to pass her Oinkoink's present. I've bought delicious treaties like cheesy sausage and meatballs. Yummy dog's snacks. Oink simply loves meatballs! Elated to see that!
Right, and it's about time to crash!
And receiving something sweet really brightened up my day! I guessed.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 4:59 PM
I slept at almost 4am last night, zits are popping out. O dear, I think I need crash earlier tonight in order to pertain beauty remedy.
Well, yesterday was so fun chatting on
msn. I'm hooked on
msn messenger. Chatting with
yl and her friends are totally cool! How I wish I am in the same school as
yl, then can hang around with her friends and her together. Those boisterous crowd and fun-loving buddies to be around. (bottom from my heart that I envy
Then, I was talking with this person which I don't know him. He say I am weird! I am wondering, how weird can I go. I just don't like sharing my past experiences with someone I don't know because I don't know what he Will think of me even though we are totally strangers. I just don't feel good at all. He don't know what personality I'm holding and what kind of person am I so why does I need to answer things which consist so personal. I'm conservative and reserved. I think that's me. Makes me had a hard time searching myself what exactly am I also. At times I maybe enthusiastic and fun to hang around, but at times I am different again.
Maybe He's right. Well, I don't know. I don't need a stranger to judge me by my character. He is just so different from my peers. But I don't like him moreover I am not good on verbal I can't express myself clear.
Probably I will not talk this matter again!
Saturday is always so gloomy and bored.
Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 11:15 PM
Fatigueness. Afternoon went Tpy with Wj and we had Burger King for lunch. God damnit, Wj made me started to have an intense crave on the croissantwich! Is so heavenly please! I swear ed, it'd taste better than Carl's junior. HAHAHA! Yes, finally made our way to Courts and I've ought to see a few ovens and cake mixers. Well, I've set my heart on Gazz Oven and Kenwood cakemixer. I had already went several places making comparisons and pricing and its indeed is very lethargic to do that! Courts mega sales however is fantastic! And guess what? I find Macbook so captivating! Gosh, So pretty! But not really that User-Friendly i guess? Other than hunting my appliances, went Town today and I've ought to realise my only hangout is Orchard, and still Orchard. No where, boring lor. Sg is utterly small la! One atomic bomb, everyone sure die! Kay, we went to Taka roaming and Juicy Couture launched there. Very pretty! I love the crowns, designs, everything just that I hate the price! Super duper expensive! Today is also a Sinful day because ate so much! But I don't really care. HAHA! Right, went to PS later on. I've bought xueli's dog some present, but I don't wish to pass to her because I want personally give oinkoink myself so he knew that was from me! =pAnd so tiring la! Kinda sleepy just now! Yes, we're meeting next week for Sakae Teppanyaki! I'm looking forward to that! Absolutely! HOORAY!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 1:53 PM

Yesterday met up with Jocelynn.k, we had dinner at Fareast and headed down to Taka to search for my Oven. To much consideration, I'd probably be saving up to buy one Oven, cake mixer and others miscellaneous baking stuffs i guess? But I'm fickle so maybe not but maybe I'm getting. Right, so while roaming in the mall run into Jtang & Qr anyway have some trivial convos. Then, we went Starbucks. I've learnt Lynn's dirty Little secrets. :) Anyway, is a jolly evening.
On the other hand, I've received the poly's enrollment package. Apprehensive of the money issues.
@ 1:48 AM
I came to realise everything started to change rapidly. Every singled living and non-living materials are changing and growing rapidly and unknowingly. Okay, I'm just hate to admit but can't deny that I'm afraid of growing up. Today, I flipped through my old fs's seeing everyone changing and people even got married in such a young age. I'm so amazed and surprised.Sometimes things just occurred so unpredictable to what we've expected, likewise I've learnt not to take things for granted. Hardly can find jobs also, pays are descending probably due to economic recession. Okay, Sucked. I've also realised time flies, I'm turning 19 in three months time. I'm so freaking afraid to grow up! Where you can't do a lot things and you're headed with burden and still burden of burdens regardless of work, family, school, physically and mentally and worse is you don't know where to get solution when you become an adult because we are not a child with people who can led and guide us somewhere and at times we must be capable of doing the right things. Wow, this mean we must learn to grow up and become a Grown-up. Things just don't get in the way we see. It's rather tedious if only everything I mentioned could be defer, I'd be elated. I'm started to feel a gush of unwillingness and disinclination rushing over my head asking me to stop, stop growing up because I'm afraid. Year 2009 sucked. Recession, retrenchment, aging! I'd probably find a Neverland of mine and hide there forever and ever leaving all my possessions here! Hopefully, there's still glimpse of HOPE for me to grap on.
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 2:52 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 2:06 PM
It's Valentine's day. Happy V's day to all but it seems utterly bored to me because like any Saturday just that today streets will be surprisingly more love items holding hands walking and kissing passionately but not for me. :] But still, I'll be celebrating this particular lovely Saturday with my girls. Xueli is whipping us a lovely meal together with Jtang. Legend had say, Valentine was a priest who served during Rome. There was an Emperor at that time by the name of Claudius II. Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those that were married. With this thought in mind he outlawed marriage for young men in hopes of building a stronger military base. Supposedly, Valentine, decided this decree just wasn't fair and chose to marry young couples secretly. When Emperor Claudius II found out about Valentine's actions he had him put to death. Awww.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @ 10:03 PM
I'm going to pass principle of management. ;D
Flying colours.
Saturday, February 7, 2009 @ 1:08 PM
Exams are drawing near, very near! However, despite the fact that exams are coming soon still got a little bit of time to enjoy before what the majors arrived. So, yesterday finally the 3 of us meet up. We went to catch Underworld; Rise of the lycans.
The movie sucked. I'd prefer the 1st and 2nd one. After the movie, went to meet up yl's classmates at Clarke Quay as we were going to have fun. After thorough walking, made up our mind to go Rebel' a club because we had like 10 persons so certainly not enough seaters so we tried Rebel.
The dancefloor indeed very small! lol, then xueli and I was like waiting when then Dj start but realised there's none and people so weird.
Leaving xueli and me at dancefloor whereas yl and her classmates left first.
Friday, February 6, 2009 @ 11:51 AM
Thursday, February 5, 2009 @ 11:42 AM

A flair of artisticness.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ 2:13 AM
Darren and his gf. So sweet!
collages, and more.


Me & Xueli. ;]




Leave to the proficient math's rep since 2007; wenjie. Once a math rep, forever a math rep! lol.
Fellow secondary school classmates. ;]
Happy birthday to Darren's 19Th birthday.
We had a jolly reunion yesterday with our ex-secondary sch classmates. Darren came picked us up with his car, he's damn cool. I swear ed. At this age, you are able to drive and that's it. You pawned. ;]
We had this Chinese cuisine buffet at Noble'. Jin Yu Man Tang. Didn't even know chinese food had buffet like main dishes. I think, not quite worth because it's very fast filling and food don't really taste to what we are expected it to be. Fortunately, our table have some gluttons so we managed to order a lot of food without wastage. Darren played a jovial host too.
We went on separated ways, xueli and I was walking aimlessly again. This time, we reached the Marina Bay and went home when clock strikes 12. haha. Okay, night was very smoky and hazy yesterday because a lot residents was burning incense paper.
And, today I met up with WANJUN! The more she hated this name, the more I wanna agitated her with her Chinese name. LOL! I'm sucha pest right? I know I am! We went Bugis. Don't know which idiot enlightened her because she've finally wanted to be a Woman. She got herself with a set of lovely overall, a pair of flats, leggings and that's it. Can see that she's pretty overjoyed. haha. Then, we went Bugis eat dinner because I wanna find Jackson too. So long never see him!
And, WANJUN really got the sense of humour. She said "PAI KAI" whereas people would like to say lame. She rephrased, and I'm in love with the word too. HEE! Okay, apart from that she corrected my english again! I TOAST on my bed. lololol! T-O-S-S! >.<>
Day was enlivened. Always. ;]